When we think about the most dire threats to our planet, poor sanitation rarely tops the list. Yet it’s a significant (and in some cases immediate) contributor to sickness and pollution in both rural and urban areas. So how can ISO help deliver sustainable sanitation to the 2.3 billion people who lack access to basic services?
Water & sanitation
Coinciding with the start of the United Nations International Decade for Action – “Water for Sustainable Development” (2018-2028), this aims to raise awareness of the critical state of water resources around the world and inspire more action to tackle it.
This issue provides updates on developments in the water sector and is a vital source of up-to-date information about the water and wastewater industry. With its focus on driving performance in urban water services for rapidly growing cities, it undoubtedly speaks to the most pressing issue of our time.
Enero/Febrero 2018
Water & sanitation
Today, one in ten people lack access to safe water. Yet access to water and sanitation can turn problems into potential, unlocking education, work opportunities and improved health for all.
Partners for sustainable sanitation
"If you want to go fast, go alone. But if you want to go far, go together."
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