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Norma o proyecto | Etapa | TC |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria
90.92 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria — Amendment 1: Correction of QLAV, QLMV
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria — Amendment 2: Update of Annex A and the refrigerant tables
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 1: Definitions, classification and selection criteria
40.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation
90.92 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 2: Design, construction, testing, marking and documentation
40.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 3: Installation site
90.92 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 3: Installation site — Amendment 1: Update of the requirements for machinery rooms and emergency mechanical ventilation
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 3: Installation site
40.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Safety and environmental requirements — Part 4: Operation, maintenance, repair and recovery
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Non-ducted air conditioners and heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Ducted air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Water-source heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Water-source heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Water-to-air and brine-to-air heat pumps
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Water-source heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 2: Water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Water-source heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 2: Water-to-water and brine-to-water heat pumps
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment — Part 1: Non-ducted outdoor equipment
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Sound power rating of air-conditioning and air-source heat pump equipment — Part 2: Non-ducted indoor equipment
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heating and cooling systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the system performance and system design for heat pump systems — Part 1: Design and dimensioning
90.93 | ISO/TC 205 |
Heating and cooling systems in buildings — Method for calculation of the system performance and system design for heat pump systems — Part 2: Energy calculation
90.93 | ISO/TC 205 |
Refrigeration systems and heat pumps — Flexible pipe elements, vibration isolators, expansion joints and non-metallic tubes — Requirements and classification
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Qualification of tightness of components and joints
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Qualification of tightness of components and joints
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Qualification of tightness of components and joints
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Multiple split-system air-conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Multiple split-system air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Multiple split-system air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Water-cooling towers — Testing and rating of thermal performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 1: Cooling seasonal performance factor — Amendment 2
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 2: Heating seasonal performance factor
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 2: Heating seasonal performance factor — Technical Corrigendum 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps — Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors — Part 3: Annual performance factor
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Guidelines for the evaluation of uncertainty of measurement in air conditioner and heat pump cooling and heating capacity tests
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators — Method of test for performance — Part 1: Development of metrics for evaluation of energy related performance
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators — Method of test for performance — Part 1: Development of metrics for evaluation of energy related performance — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heat recovery ventilators and energy recovery ventilators — Method of test for performance
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Variable refrigerant flow air-to-air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps - Testing and calculating methods for seasonal performance factors
40.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Non-ducted portable air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps having a single exhaust duct — Testing and rating for performance
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Non-ducted portable air-cooled air conditioners and air-to-air heat pumps having a single exhaust duct — Testing and rating for performance — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 1: Heat pump water heater for hot water supply
90.93 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Heat pump water heaters — Testing and rating for performance — Part 2: Heat pump water heaters for space heating
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air to water heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — Part 2: Space heating and/or space cooling
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air to water Heat pumps — Testing and rating for performance — — Part 3: Combined hot water supply with space heating and/or space cooling
40.20 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Valves — Requirements, testing and marking
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Valves — Requirements, testing and marking — Amendment 1
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Heat pump water heater — Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal coefficient of performance for space heating
95.99 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Air to water heat pumps — Testing and rating at part load conditions and calculation of seasonal coefficient of performance for space heating
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 6 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Competence of personnel
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
Refrigerating systems and heat pumps — Pressure relief devices and their associated piping — Methods for calculation
60.60 | ISO/TC 86/SC 1 |
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