
  • Secretario/a:
    Mr Erich Kieck
  • Presidente/a:
    Mr El hadji Abdourahmane Ndione
    Vicepresidente/a (hasta el final 2026):
    Dr Renae Ferguson-Bufford
  • Fecha de creación: 1961



DEVCO membership is open to interested member bodies as participating (P) or observer (O) members and to interested correspondent members as observer (O) members.

Terms of reference

  1. Identifies the needs and requirements of members in developing countries in all fields of standardization and matters related to the national quality infrastructure (NQI), and assists in defining the priorities for technical assistance and capacity building in these areas.
  2. Provides a forum for members to discuss standardization and related matters of interest to developing countries, and for the exchange of information, experience and best practice between developing countries as well as among developed and developing countries.
  3. Recommends the ISO Action Plan for developing countries to Council for approval, and monitors its implementation.
  4. Advises the ISO Council on matters affecting members in developing countries relative to ISO governance and policy decisions, and provides guidance on issues of specific interest to developing countries.

Enlaces rápidos

Miembros participantes
Miembros observadores
Referencia Título Tipo
ISO/DEVCO/CAG   Chair's advisory group Grupo de trabajo
ISO/DEVCO/SMART_WG   SMART working group Grupo de trabajo
ISO/DEVCO/TG 1   Task group on submission support Grupo de trabajo
ISO/DEVCO/TG 2   Task group on integration support Grupo de trabajo
ISO/DEVCO/WG 1   Standardization areas of primary interest to developing countries Grupo de trabajo


Comités de enlace de ISO/DEVCO

ISO/DEVCO pueden acceder a los documentos de los comités que aparecen a continuación:

Referencia Título ISO/IEC
ISO/CASCO Committee on conformity assessment ISO