International Standard
ISO/DIS 20038.2
Banking and related financial services — Key wrap using advanced encryption standard (AES)
Reference number
ISO/DIS 20038.2
Edition 2
Draft International Standard
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ISO/DIS 20038.2
This Draft International Standard is in the enquiry phase with ISO members.
Will replace ISO 20038:2017

ISO/DIS 20038.2

ISO/DIS 20038.2
CHF 65
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ISO 20038:2017 defines a method for packaging cryptographic keys for transport. This method can also be used for the storage of keys under an AES key. The method uses the block cipher AES as the wrapping cipher algorithm.

Other methods for wrapping keys are outside the scope of this document but can use the authenticated encryption algorithms specified in ISO/IEC 19772.

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  •  : Under development
    : Close of voting [40.60]
  •  : 2
     : 88
  • ISO/TC 68/SC 2
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