All untoleranced dimensions specified are nominal. The glass thickness throughout the full depth of the finish shall be adequate to withstand normal handling. The finish shall be free from cracks likely to have an adverse effect on sealing performance.
Life cycle
Revised by
PublishedISO 9100-1:2005
PublishedISO 9100-2:2005
PublishedISO 9100-3:2005
PublishedISO 9100-4:2005
PublishedISO 9100-5:2005
PublishedISO 9100-6:2005
PublishedISO 9100-7:2005
PublishedISO 9100-8:2005
PublishedISO 9100-9:2005
PublishedISO 9100-10:2005
PublishedISO 9100-11:2005
PublishedISO 9100-12:2005
PublishedISO 9100-13:2005
PublishedISO 9100-14:2005