Cancels and replaces the first edition (1987). Specifies the volume and file structure of disk cartridges for the interchange of information between users of information processing systems. Also specifies an optional record structure. Applicable to various types of disk cartidges. Specifies the location of files of information on an FDC and a set of recorded descriptors. Specifies requirements for the processes which are provided within information processing systems to enable information to be interchanged between different system, utilizing recorded FDSc as the medium of interchange. Provides a method for the allocation of space that is independent of the number of files which are recorded on the volume. Does not specify the content and the organization of the files.
General information
Status: PublishedPublication date: 1994-11Stage: International Standard confirmed [90.93]
Edition: 2Number of pages: 40
Technical Committee :ISO/IEC JTC 1ICS :35.220.21
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Life cycle
WithdrawnISO 9293:1987