Ссылочный номер
ISO 9335:2012
ISO 9335:2012
Optics and photonics — Optical transfer function — Principles and procedures of measurement
Версия 2
В время отменен
ISO 9335:2012
Отозвано (Версия 2, 2012)


ISO 9335:2012 gives general guidance for the construction and use of equipment for measurement of the optical transfer function (OTF) of imaging systems.

It specifies important factors that can influence the measurement of the OTF, and gives general rules for equipment performance requirements and environmental controls. It specifies important precautions that should be taken to ensure accurate measurements and correction factors to be applied to the collected data.

Общая информация

  •  : Отозвано
     : 2012-10
    : Отмена международного стандарта [95.99]
  •  : 2
  • ISO/TC 172/SC 1
  • RSS обновления

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