Членство: Корреспондентский орган

The National Standards Centre (NSC) was established in 2008 under the purview of the Ministry of Industry and Primary Resources (MIPR). In 2016, it was incorporated into the then Energy and Industry Department and, since 2018, has been under the purview of the Ministry of Energy, Manpower and Industry. Key duties performed by NSC include:

  • Acting as the facilitator and authority in the fields of Standards and conformity assessment in Brunei Darussalam
  • Acting as the regulator and facilitator in carrying out calibration services pertaining to weights and measures.
  • Facilitating, coordinating and promoting the development of national and international standards with the support of the National Standards Council and National Standards Committee
  • Providing advisory services to assist local SMEs in developing and standardizing their systems and products in compliance with international standards and conformity assessment
  • Promoting and utilizing Brunei Darussalam Standards (PBD) and Standards Reference Library in government and the private sector.
Weights and measures
  • Inspecting, calibrating and approving weighing and measuring instruments used for commercial purposes
  • Enforcing and promoting consumer protection via the Weights and Measures Act 1983, Chapter 151 and Regulations, and ensuring the traceability of weights and measures standards to the International System of Units (SI)
  • Raising awareness among consumers, businesses and the general public on the use of accurate and reliable weights and measures for commercial purposes.


Pusat Standard dan Akreditasi Brunei Darussalam

Ministry of Finance and Economy
B19, Simpang 32-15, Anggerek Desa Flat
Bandar Seri Begawan BB8810
Brunei Darussalam

Тел.: +673 2333964
E-mail: psabd@mofe.gov.bn

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