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ISO/AWI 9811
Microbiologie de la chaîne alimentaire — Détection moléculaire de Cyclospora cayetanensis dans les produits frais par PCR en temps réel
Numéro de référence
ISO/AWI 9811
Edition 1
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ISO/AWI 9811
Rédaction en cours.


This International Standard specifies a method applicable for the detection of Cyclospora cayetanensis and confirms the protozoa to the species level in food products described herein as fresh leafy green vegetables and berry fruits. With appropriate controls, it may also be applicable for the examination of other fresh produce. Because of the large variety of food and feed products, this horizontal method may not be appropriate in every detail for certain products. This method is used to detect the presence of C. cayetanensis DNA in fresh produce but does not confirm the presence of viable parasites. Furthermore, this method does not allow for the determination of C. cayetanensis to the genotype or haplotype level.

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