COVID-19: Ressources des membres
Cette page est dédiée au partage de ressources nationales développées par les membres pour soutenir la lutte contre le COVID-19.
The outbreak of Coronavirus at the end of 2019 and the resultant global pandemic has had an impact on almost all types of activity, including conformity assessment. In May 2020, the Strategic Alliance and Regulatory Group of ISO's committee on conformity assessment (CASCO/STAR) surveyed those working in conformity assessment to understand their challenges related to COVID-19.
The findings from the survey have been compiled into a document that should prove useful to anybody who works in conformity assessment and is facing challenges related to COVID-19.
CASCO/STAR surveyed those working in conformity assessment to understand their challenges related to COVID-19.
Visit the CASCO webpage or the CASCO toolbox or contact the CASCO secretariat (
The feedback presented covers two main areas.
Maintaining business continuity.
Carrying out on-site activities remotely.
The report presents the main conclusions from the survey, as well as some of the concerns and responses that it revealed, and in particular how these relate to both business continuity and remote activities.
We've also compiled a selection of useful resources.
This page is a mean of sharing common challenges and good practices within the conformity assessment community in relation to the COVID-19 situation. The information reflects the views and experience of the CASCO/STAR members (names and locations have been removed to protect the identity of the parties).
New information and resources are to be submitted to CASCO/Secretariat ( and will be considered for inclusion by the CASCO/STAR maintenance group.
The speed and scale of the COVID-19 outbreak caught many businesses off-guard. Few businesses were adequately prepared for impacts to conformity assessment activities across all parts of the supply chain down to the level of individual products. Risks were also identified for services, operating processes and systems. Feedback from the Survey indicates a variety of responses and tools that can be used to keep businesses up and running in difficult times.
Survey responses have identified business continuity good practice in the following main areas.
The use of standards for proficiency testing.
For the full findings, consult the CASCO/STAR survey.
We've also compiled a selection of useful resources.
Remote activities are understood as activities within the process of conformity assessment or accreditation, which do not require the physical presence of the assessing personnel at the site of the object of assessment.
Remote activities are mainly used as determination activities, but can contribute to all functions of conformity assessment. Remote activities can include virtual meetings, web-based document review, remote auditing, assessing and evaluating by ICT, review and decision making by electronic communication, e-learning or webinars.
The Survey identified areas that are challenging with regard to remote activities, and have identified good practice for a variety of remote activity scenarios.
With regard to remote activity, the finding are grouped into the following main areas.
A list that examines the limitations and threats regarding remote activities is also provided in the findings.
For the full findings, consult the CASCO/STAR report.
We've also compiled a selection of useful resources.
Cette page est dédiée au partage de ressources nationales développées par les membres pour soutenir la lutte contre le COVID-19.