Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 12129-2
Plain bearings — Tolerances — Part 2: Tolerances on form and position and surface roughness for shafts and thrust collars
Reference number
ISO/CD 12129-2
Edition 3
Borrador del Comité
ISO/CD 12129-2
El comité está revisando un borrador.
Reemplazará ISO 12129-2:2019


This document specifies tolerances on form and position as well as the surface roughness of shafts, flanges and thrust collars as used in plain bearing units. It is applicable to journal or thrust plain bearing units or to a combination of both, installed either horizontally or vertically.

This document is not applicable to crankshaft bearing units in combustion engines.

Informaciones generales

  •  : En desarrollo
    : CD aprobado para su registro como DIS [30.99]
  •  : 3
  • ISO/TC 123/SC 3
  • RSS actualizaciones

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