Secretariat: DIN (Germany)
Committee Manager: -
Chairperson (until end 2026):Mr Hiroshi Tanaka
ISO Technical Programme Manager [TPM]:ISO Editorial Manager [EM]:
- Creation date: 2012
Standardization of all systems, products and services specifically related to the railway sector, including design, manufacture, construction, operation, and maintenance of parts and equipment, methods and technology, interfaces between infrastructure, vehicles and the environment, excluding those electrotechnical and electronic products and services for railways which are within the scope of IEC/TC 9.
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This committee contributes with 8 standards to the following Sustainable Development Goals:
Reference | Title | Type |
ISO/TC 269/SC 1 | Infrastructure | Subcommittee |
ISO/TC 269/SC 2 | Rolling stock | Subcommittee |
ISO/TC 269/SC 3 | Operations and services | Subcommittee |
ISO/TC 269/AG 7 | Migration strategy | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/AG 17 | Strategic liaison group | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/AHG 2 | Rail vehicle hydrogen refueling equipment | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/CAG 1 | Chair’s Advisory Group | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/WG 5 | Railway quality management system | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/WG 6 | Fire protection | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/WG 8 | Platform barrier systems | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/WG 9 | Wheel-rail contact geometry | Working group |
ISO/TC 269/WG 10 | Terms and definitions | Working group |
Liaison Committees to ISO/TC 269
The committees below can access the documents of ISO/TC 269:
Reference | Title | ISO/IEC |
IEC/TC 9 | Electrical equipment and systems for railways | IEC |
ISO/TC 17/SC 15 | Railway rails, rails fasteners, wheels and wheelsets | ISO |
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 | Noise | ISO |
ISO/TC 92/SC 1 | Fire initiation and growth | ISO |
ISO/TC 108/SC 4 | Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock | ISO |
ISO/TC 176/SC 2 | Quality systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 197/SC 1 | Hydrogen at scale and horizontal energy systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 268/SC 2 | Sustainable cities and communities - Sustainable mobility and transportation | ISO |
Liaison Committees from ISO/TC 269
ISO/TC 269 can access the documents of the committees below:
Reference | Title | ISO/IEC |
IEC/TC 9 | Electrical equipment and systems for railways | IEC |
ISO/CASCO | Committee on conformity assessment | ISO |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 | Information technology | ISO/IEC |
ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 42 | Artificial intelligence | ISO/IEC |
ISO/TC 17 | Steel | ISO |
ISO/TC 17/SC 15 | Railway rails, rails fasteners, wheels and wheelsets | ISO |
ISO/TC 43 | Acoustics | ISO |
ISO/TC 43/SC 1 | Noise | ISO |
ISO/TC 44 | Welding and allied processes | ISO |
ISO/TC 108/SC 2 | Measurement and evaluation of mechanical vibration and shock as applied to machines, vehicles and structures | ISO |
ISO/TC 108/SC 4 | Human exposure to mechanical vibration and shock | ISO |
ISO/TC 176/SC 2 | Quality systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 197 | Hydrogen technologies | ISO |
ISO/TC 204 | Intelligent transport systems | ISO |
ISO/TC 207/SC 7 | Greenhouse gas and climate change management and related activities | ISO |
ISO/TC 268/SC 2 | Sustainable cities and communities - Sustainable mobility and transportation | ISO |
Organizations in liaison (Category A and B)
Acronym | Title | Category |
UIC | International Union of Railways | A |
UIP | International Union of Wagon Keepers a.i.s.b.l. | A |
UNIFE | UNIFE - The European Railway Industries | A |
ERA (European Railway Agency) | European Railway Agency | B |
OSJD | Organization for Co-operation between Railways | B |
Date | Month | Location | TC/SC | Note |
4 | April 2025 | Virtual () | ISO/TC 269/SC 2 | |
17 | June 2025 | Hai Dian Qu (China) | ISO/TC 269/SC 1 | |
18 | June 2025 | Hai Dian Qu (China) | ISO/TC 269/SC 2 | |
19 | June 2025 | Hai Dian Qu (China) | ISO/TC 269/SC 3 | |
20 | June 2025 | Hai Dian Qu (China) | ISO/TC 269 |
* Information definite but meeting not yet formally convened
** Provisional
ISO/TC 269 - Secretariat
DIN (Germany)
Am DIN-Platz
Burggrafenstraße 6
D-10787 Berlin